Pale September

Banjarmasin, 1 September 2007

Pale September
I wore the time
Like a dress that year
The autumn days
Swung soft around me
Like cotton on my skin
But as the embers
Of the summer
Lost their breath
And disappeared
My heart went cold and
Only hollow rhythms
Resounded from within
But then he rose
Brilliant as the moon in full
And sank in the
Burrows of my keep

And all my armour
Falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving
Way to warm
As I’m singing him to sleep

He goes along just
As a water lily
Gentle on the surface
Of his thoughts
His body floats
Unweighed down by
Passion or intensity
Yet unaware of the
Depth upon which he coasts
And he finds a home in me
For what misfortune sows
He knows my touch will reap

And all my armour
Falling down
In a pile at me feet
And my winter giving
Way to warm
As I’m singing him to sleep
All my armour
Falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving
Way to warm
As I’m singing him to sleep

Taken from Fiona AppleTidal (1996)

Ah, September kembali
Bersama sepi yang memucat, jauh di lubuk hati
Menuju separuh yang pasti akan menuakan diri
Semoga bisa lebih baik lagi

BTW, ndak ada hubungannya.. tapi blog jelek ini ternyata sudah diklik lebih dari 20 ribu kali loh! Weleh…

24 thoughts on “Pale September”

  1. @ deKing van de Dreef
    Kayak Vina ajah 😀

    @ Agorsiloku

    @ Almascatie
    Di sini kemarau loh…

    @ Alex

    @ Fertobhades
    Kya… jangan dibandingin dengan blog seleb dong ah…

    @ Roffi
    $-) $-) $-) $-) $-)

    @ Rizma
    Amiien deh… :mrgreen:

    @ Itikkecil
    Dan iklan TV mulai dipenuhi sirup…

  2. @ M Shodiq Mustika
    Waks! Deketan dong kita Pak…

    @ Manusiasuper

    @ Calonorangtenarsedunia
    Ngapain dicari Neng?
    Komennya kok berurutan yaa? Ada apa ini ada apa???

    @ Joerig™
    Salahkan keyword deh…

    @ Venus
    Wah.. lagu itu…
    Jadi teringat…

    @ Yarza
    Hoh? Puisi?

    @ Takodok!
    Yaeks, pecinta lagu jadul rupanya…

    @ Rapidity
    Coba deh bikin ribut, pasti cepet naiknya, ho ho ho…
    Tapi yang perlu diingat, hits nggak bisa dijadikan ukuran seberapa bermanfaat sebuah blog lho.

    @ Mrs. Neo Forty-Nine
    Bukan, ntar saya posting habis event selesai yaa..

    @ Mrs. Neo Forty-Nine
    Ah, bukan hits yang saya cari kok dari ngeblog, toh ngeblog di WP nggak ada revenue buat adsense juga $)


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