I live to fall asleep
It’s when I stop the hate
I never want to dream
It infiltrates beauty
I live to fall asleep
Regenerate and sin
Skin so tense gives in
I’ve lived enough to kill
When did you become another distant friend
Everyone who loved you stayed waited till the end
When did you become another distant friend
Everyone who loved you stayed waited till the end
Oh, when did you decide that sleep could save your life
How could you become another boy struck dumb
How could you become another boy struck dumb with love
I live to fall asleep
I live to fall asleep
I live to fall asleep
it helps me through the day
Drink has never dulled
a pain so deep does run
I live to fall asleep
serene alone happy
Holding on to screams
waiting for the time
When did you become another distant friend
Everyone who loved you stayed waited till the end
When did you become another distant friend
Everyone who loved you stayed waited till the end
Oh, when did you decide that sleep could save your life
How could you become another boy struck dumb
How could you become another boy struck dumb with love
I live to fall asleep
I live to fall asleep
So lazy, lazy, lazy
Chuck down all the pills
Needing to remember how and why to live
Oh, when did you decide that sleep could save your life
How could you become another boy struck dumb
How could you become another boy struck dumb with love
I live to fall asleep
I live to fall asleep
Taken From Manic Street Preachers – Lifeblood (2004)
Tukang ceramah jalanan gila!
wwaa…. wwaa…. kagak ngerti bahasanya… hizk….
Pgn denger,tapi lg pake hp:(
Sama kayak ade 🙁 pengen denger..
aih, pas dikantor nih, ke blok pula, hahahha
ga mudeng aku…
saya “buta” bahasa ituh…. artikan donk 🙂
Tetep lebih suka U2
@ ManusiaSuper
Pemahamanmu literal sekali…
@ Angga
Makanya, belajar 😎
@ Ade & Hera
Hape ndak bisa buat yutub ya? 🙄
@ Raffaell
Hasyah… Nanti aja di rumah kalo gitu…
@ Awym
Makanya, belajar… Gimana generasi ini bisa maju kalau belajar Bahasa Inggris aja malas…
@ Anna
Artikan? Mmmm… coba pake google translate deh…
@ Itikkecil
Ya udah, nanti saya posting U2 juga…
saya bangettt…
amed ngerti banget deh *ke GRan banget*
@ Chiw
Iya juga ya? Kalo dikait-kaitkan….